Discuss the need of ‘continuum of care’ for the person living with HIV

The term “continuum of care” refers to the process of delivering a continuous and integrated variety of health services to people living with HIV throughout their lifetimes.

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This approach is especially critical for HIV patients, who require continual medical care, support, and therapy.

Here are some of the reasons why persons living with HIV require a continuum of care:

Early diagnosis and treatment: Early diagnosis and treatment are critical for controlling HIV and preventing its development to AIDS. A continuum of care ensures that people living with HIV are diagnosed early and receive appropriate therapy.

Continuity of care is related with superior health outcomes for people living with HIV, including enhanced viral suppression, a lower risk of opportunistic infections, and a higher quality of life.

Comorbidity management: Individuals living with HIV are more likely to develop comorbidities such as mental health issues, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes. A continuum of care provides a framework for coordinating and integrating the management of these illnesses.

Long-term care and support: Many HIV patients require long-term care and support, especially as they get older. A continuum of care ensures that people have continuous access to the services they require throughout their lifetimes.

Decrease in transmission: Although individuals with HIV who are virally suppressed are less likely to spread the virus to others, effective HIV management through a continuum of care can also minimise the risk of transmission to others.

Overall, individuals living with HIV require a continuum of care to ensure that they receive the support, treatment, and care they require to manage their illness and improve their health outcomes. It is a vital component of HIV care and treatment programmes and should be prioritised in HIV service design and implementation.

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